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Anto Marinčić: Kako smo krenuli?

            Koji je put da se zlo koje se događa spriječi. Što se tiče Drage naše, i poslije božićnih i novogodišnjih blagdana, te uskoro islamskih blagdana, još uvijek se ne zna što je ovdje zlo, a što dobro. Ovdje zlo i dobro imaju najmanje tri ili četiri različita značenja. Pa tako, Čovićevu izjavu da Bošnjaci-muslimani žele centralizirati Federaciju BiH oni shvaćaju kao zlu. Nastojanje Bošnjaka-muslimana da se donese Zakon o južnoj plinskoj interkonekciji prema njihovim željama, Hrvati vide kao pokušaj centraliziranja, što on i jest, a Bošnjaci kao mogućnost da oni vladaju „svojom“ državom. Treća strana, Amerikanci oličeni u veleposlaniku Murphiyu, to vide samo kao finajcijski i globalni interes Amerike, ali Bošnjacima-muslimanima to nije jasno.

Zaključke NSRS, da se Dodik ne odaziva Sudu BiH  te da se blokira rad u svim  tijelima BiH od strane srpskih zastupnika dok se ne okonča ova farsa od suđenja Dodiku za nepoštivanje Schmidtovih odluka, Bošnjaci-muslimani vide kao udar na „njihovu“ državu, Srbi to suđenje kao udar na Srbe i na RS. Ono što bi, da nije jadno bilo zanimljivo jest tvrdnja sve četiri dominantne politike u BiH kako oni drugi krše Dayton, a ne oni. Prava istina je da svi tom daytonskom sporazumu prilaze kao švedskom stolu, ono što im u datom trenutku odgovara uzeli bi, a za  što  ne bi, optužuju preostale tri strane. Kad govorim o četiri strane, četvrta strana je međunarodna zajednica, prije svih Amerika i Engleska te članice EU, Njemačka i Francuska i pomalo Rusija. Zaključke NSRS Bošnjaci-muslimani vide kao pokušaj rušenja ustavnog poretka BiH pa zbog toga vrše pritisak na Tužiteljstvo BiH i međunarodne dužnosnike da sankcioniraju srpske dužnosnike i institucije. Ono što je svake godine aktualno jest proslava Dana RS. Bošnjacima-muslimanima je ta proslava trn u oku, pozivaju se na presude Ustavnoga suda koji je taj Dan proglasio neustavnim. Ovdje treba znati sljedeće; bilo koji dan u godini da NSRS proglasi Danom RS i da ga obilježavaju, Bošnjaci-muslimani bi to progasili udarom na „njihovu“ državu BiH i tražili od međunarodne zajednice da to spriječi. Promatraču sa strane nameće se pitanje; Kako netko, pa bila to i Amerika i cijela međunarodna zajednica može spriječiti Srbe, odnosno srpski narod da odustanu od proslave Dana RS!?

Uvidjevši kako međunarodna zajednica, prije svih američka admnistracija na čelu sa Murphiyem, pokušava sankcionirati pojedince, naročito Dodika,  Srbi su se dosjetili pa odluke o bojkotiranju rada institucija BiH donsi NSRS. E, sad, kako će to Schmidt sankcionirati NSRS i njene odluke? U tom smislu, naravno ne javno, ali se sa velikom sigurošću može zaključiti da su neki iz međunarodne zajednice, prije svih Schmidt i Murphy, savjetovali Bošnjake-muslimane da Tužiteljstvo BiH zatraži informacije od NSRS glede zaključaka koje ta skupština donosi. To je ohrabrilo „najsirovijeg ministra na prostorima Balkana“, kako ga je nazvao predsjednik Srbije Vučić, Bošnjaka-muslimana Zukana Heleza, inače pripadnika HVO Bugojno u trajanju od nekih sedam mjeseci, da istupi onako sirovo i glupo kako on jedino i zna. Zaključke NSRS vidi kao otvoreni pokušaj secesije te tvrdi da je „srpska nacionalna politika u proteklih tri i više desetljeća promašena, antinarodna, a da se zbog takve politike građani BiH i Srbije nalaze u hodniku euroatlanskih integracija“. Raduje ga zahtjev Tužiteljstva prema NSRS i očekuje, savjetuje Tužiteljstvu, da protiv NSRS pokrene kazneni postupak zbog „Dogovora o činjenju kaznenog djela, „Pripremanja kaznenog djela“, „Napada na ustavni poredak“. Također je pozvao i međunarodnu zajednicu jer se „iskreno nada da ona neće podcijeniti ozbiljnost antiustavnog djelovanja NSRS“. Ako ga pak svi navedeni ne bi poslušali podsjeća da su tu Oružane snage BiH koje će zaštititi državnost, suverenitet i teritorijalni integritet BiH“. Da Zukan Helez nije ograničenih intelektualnih mogućnosti znao bi da Oružane snage BiH postoje samo na papiru, znao bih  kako bi se, u slučaju da opali samo i jedna puška, te Oružane snage raspale na tri vojske u roku od pet minuta. Njegova suluda tvrdnja, odnosno prijetnja, kako bi u bilo kojem slučaju ugroze države BiH bio angažiran pričuvni sastav vojske, uistinu je ludost nad ludostima. Kako on, ali i neki drugi mogu i zamisliti da bi se Hrvati i Srbi odazvali takvom pozivu!

Osim što je sirovi Bošnjak-musliman Helez zaprijetio Srbima, prijetnju im je uputio i proveo (ne) legalni Schmidt,  zabranivši provođenje „spornih“  odluka NSRS! Kako će provesti svoju zabranu, nije objasnio. U tom pogledu treba pogledati satirično pisanje portala Poskok o Schmidtu. Oni koje bi to zanimalo neka malo proguglaju jer nema prostora da vam o tome pišem.

Iako je taktika Bošnjaka-muslimana vidljiva iz aviona, ipak treba podsjetiti na  jedan dio te taktike. Kad god se u hrvatskom ili srpskom narodu pojavi, u prvi plan svojim čvrstim stavovima na površinu iskoči neki pojedinac, Bošnjaci-muslimani, prije svega preko svojih udruga „Majke Srebrenice i Žepe“ i drugih, preko bottova koji zastupaju najradikalnije stavove odmah traže da se isti sude za ratne zločine. Najnoviji primjeri su Staša Košarac i Stevandić. Više nego zanimljiva je činjenica da  30 godina poslije rata nitko nije spominjao njih dvojicu i sada odjednom, svi Bošnjaci-muslimani tvrde da su oni zločinci te traže od međunarodne zajednice, Tužiteljstva BiH i drugh nstitucija da ih se osudi, odnosno da se Dodik, ali i svi oni koji poslije njega dolaze, ukloni(e), što bi kazao Senad Hadžifejzović. 

I jedno malo podsjećanje o stanju u Dragoj našoj, koju neki nazivaju suverenom državom. Dakle, to je država u kojoj su na optuženičkoj klupi predsjednik RS, premijer Federacije BiH je u zatvoru, optuženi su prvi ljudi OSA-e, prvi ljudi državnoga suda i obavještajne agencije, čelnici ustanva za javno zdravstvo, dobavljači pa i odvjetnici.

Zašto je to sve tako?

U Dragoj našoj skoro smo izbacili Boga iz društva, učitelji se boje učiti djecu o moralu istini  i Bogu. Katolici su Advent i Božić pretvorili u konzumerizam. Zabavne emisije na javnim emiterima veličaju nemoral, nasilje i pohlepu. Pobačaj, pravim riječima ubojstvo nerođenog djeteta, nazivamo pravom. Donosimo zakone koji više štite životinje nego čovjeka, prihvaćamo zakone po kojima naša djeca mogu mijenjati spol kad požele i niz drugih loših stvari, da ih ne nabrajam.

            I kako onda dalje?

Draga naša, Žepče, 16. siječnja 2025.                              Anto Marinčić

Comments (20)

  • Iraq trade fairssays:

    18.01.2025. 16:15 at 16:15 is more than just an Iraq business directory; it's your strategic partner for navigating the Iraqi market. This platform provides comprehensive online business listings, while also delivering the latest Iraq business news and insightful analysis. Explore promising Iraq jobs, uncover valuable tender opportunities for procurement, and connect with local and international businesses seeking collaboration. facilitates market entry and fosters long-term growth for companies seeking to capitalize on the Iraqi economy.

  • Construction tenders Iraqsays:

    18.01.2025. 16:20 at 16:20 is more than just a directory; it’s a platform that connects talent with opportunity through its robust Job and Tender Directory. Businesses can efficiently advertise job openings while job seekers can easily find positions suited to their skills and career aspirations in Iraq. By incorporating localized SEO strategies that highlight employment opportunities in Iraq and tender submissions, the site maximizes its reach among both employers and potential employees. This not only benefits individual careers but also contributes to the overall growth of the Iraqi economy by filling essential roles across various sectors.

  • Iraqi tender listingssays:

    18.01.2025. 16:25 at 16:25, a dedicated online platform, serves as the comprehensive guide to the Iraqi business landscape. Specifically focused on the location of businesses within Iraq, it presents itself as the definitive resource for anyone navigating the complexities of the Iraqi market. The website's multifaceted approach encompasses a variety of crucial components essential for both businesses seeking to establish a presence in Iraq and those looking to connect with existing companies. It positions itself as more than just a business directory; it's a central hub for information, networking, and potential partnerships. The core strength of lies in its meticulously crafted Iraq Business Directory. This directory is not merely a list of company names and addresses; it’s a professional portal dedicated to facilitating B2B exchanges within the Iraqi market. It aims to connect businesses across diverse sectors, fostering relationships and opportunities for collaboration. The detailed profiles offered within the directory go beyond basic contact information, providing a deep dive into the respective companies. Potential partners can explore relevant financial data, detailed contact information, and even insights into corporate hierarchies. This level of specificity is crucial in a market where thorough knowledge of potential business partners is paramount. Recognizing the importance of trust and verification, the platform likely employs methods to ensure the information presented is accurate and reliable, contributing to the platform's trustworthiness. The site's commitment to accessibility is another key component. The availability of a bi-lingual platform (English and Arabic) is critical in a country where both languages are prevalent. This multilingual support is more than simply a feature—it's a strategic decision to cater to a wider audience and effectively address the diverse business community within Iraq. By ensuring clarity and comprehension for various stakeholders, it promotes a more inclusive and effective experience for all users. Beyond simply listing businesses, offers a broader range of services. The inclusion of Iraq Business News provides valuable context and insights into the current economic climate, market trends, and regulatory developments impacting businesses in Iraq. This up-to-date information empowers users to make informed decisions, anticipate challenges, and capitalize on opportunities. The presence of a Business Center further strengthens the platform's comprehensive nature, potentially offering various resources, tools, and support to its members, fostering engagement and knowledge sharing within the community. The platform is clearly designed to attract and retain members. An individual or organization interested in establishing a prominent online presence in the Iraqi market can benefit significantly from registering and listing their company. This registration process not only allows businesses to showcase their capabilities and services but also grants them direct access to a vast potential market, enhancing their visibility and reach significantly. The invitation for businesses to leverage the platform is compelling. By actively participating and being discovered by the millions of users, businesses can actively increase their chances of finding their entry point into this market and establish valuable relationships. The platform appears to understand the vital role of information in business development, going beyond just providing a listing. Its stated goal of providing access to detailed company information—financial data, contact details, and organizational structures—positions the database as a valuable research tool for potential investors, suppliers, and customers. This wealth of data clearly indicates the platform’s commitment to ease of access for thorough due diligence. By providing this vital information, potentially sensitive financial data and hierarchical information, the platform underscores its commitment to facilitating informed decision-making in the Iraqi market.

  • إدارة الأعمال في العراقsays:

    18.01.2025. 16:29 at 16:29

    Experience the future of business networking in Iraq through, where digital innovation meets market opportunity. This pioneering platform offers an expansive Iraq business directory that serves as a vital resource for companies seeking to establish or expand their presence in the region. Stay informed with real-time business news in Iraq, covering everything from economic trends to regulatory updates. The platform's comprehensive Iraq jobs section connects employers with talented professionals, while its tender directory provides invaluable access to procurement opportunities. With its extensive online business listings and user-friendly interface, stands as the definitive resource for building successful business relationships in Iraq's growing economy.

  • International businesses in Iraqsays:

    18.01.2025. 16:34 at 16:34

    Insightful Business News and Market Trends Staying informed is critical in today's fast-paced business environment, and excels at delivering timely and relevant Iraq Business News. The site's dedicated news section covers critical developments in the Iraqi economy, including regulatory changes, industry-specific updates, and market analysis. By consistently posting high-quality, engaging articles rich in targeted keywords, enhances its SEO visibility and allows users to stay ahead of market trends. This resource is invaluable for business leaders and investors who need accurate information to make informed decisions in a complex economic landscape.

  • Doing business in Iraqsays:

    18.01.2025. 16:43 at 16:43, a leading Iraq business directory, empowers businesses with comprehensive online listings of Iraqi companies, crucial for effective networking and market research. Stay updated on the latest Iraq business news, discover lucrative tender opportunities, and explore exciting Iraq job prospects within the dynamic Iraqi economy. This essential platform connects local and international businesses, streamlining access to the Iraqi market.

  • شركات صناعية عراقيةsays:

    18.01.2025. 16:44 at 16:44

    Unlock the full potential of Iraq's dynamic market with, the region's most comprehensive and innovative business directory platform. Our trilingual service (Arabic-English-Kurdish) connects over 100,000 verified Iraqi companies with global opportunities through advanced AI-powered matching, real-time market intelligence, and interactive business mapping across all 18 governorates. Whether you're exploring Iraq's thriving sectors like Oil & Gas, Construction, Technology, or Healthcare, our platform provides essential tools including live tender updates, trade finance solutions, and detailed company profiles backed by BoldData verification. International investors benefit from our custom market entry strategies, regulatory compliance guidance, and virtual business delegation programs, while local businesses gain unprecedented global exposure and networking opportunities. With ISO 27001 certified security, GDPR compliance, and a proven track record of 25,000+ verified profiles and 1,000+ monthly B2B matches, stands as your trusted partner in navigating Iraq's promising business landscape. Join our thriving community today to access exclusive features including personalized business intelligence reports, priority search listings, and premier networking events, all designed to accelerate your success in one of the Middle East's most promising economies.

  • دليل المصانع العراقيةsays:

    18.01.2025. 16:45 at 16:45

    In addition to business listings and news, Job opportunities in Iraq are prominently featured on The online job portal connects job seekers with employers looking to fill positions in various sectors. This feature is particularly beneficial for those seeking to work in Iraq’s burgeoning economy, offering a streamlined approach to finding employment. With a diverse range of job postings, from skilled trades to corporate positions, serves as an invaluable resource for both local talent and expatriates keen to contribute to the country's growth.

  • وظائف البصرةsays:

    18.01.2025. 17:01 at 17:01

    The Ultimate Iraq Business Directory stands out as the premier online resource for anyone seeking to engage with the Iraqi business community. With its comprehensive Iraq Business Directory, the platform boasts a wide array of listings across multiple industries, enabling users to discover potential partners, suppliers, and clients with ease. By implementing effective SEO strategies, such as keywords focused on Iraq business connections and business networking in Iraq, ensures that it ranks high in search engine results, making it the go-to hub for entrepreneurs and investors. This directory not only supports local businesses but also attracts international investors keen on exploring opportunities in Iraq.

  • Iraq Business Reportssays:

    18.01.2025. 17:23 at 17:23, a dedicated online platform, serves as the comprehensive guide to the Iraqi business landscape. Specifically focused on the location of businesses within Iraq, it presents itself as the definitive resource for anyone navigating the complexities of the Iraqi market. The website's multifaceted approach encompasses a variety of crucial components essential for both businesses seeking to establish a presence in Iraq and those looking to connect with existing companies. It positions itself as more than just a business directory; it's a central hub for information, networking, and potential partnerships. The core strength of lies in its meticulously crafted Iraq Business Directory. This directory is not merely a list of company names and addresses; it’s a professional portal dedicated to facilitating B2B exchanges within the Iraqi market. It aims to connect businesses across diverse sectors, fostering relationships and opportunities for collaboration. The detailed profiles offered within the directory go beyond basic contact information, providing a deep dive into the respective companies. Potential partners can explore relevant financial data, detailed contact information, and even insights into corporate hierarchies. This level of specificity is crucial in a market where thorough knowledge of potential business partners is paramount. Recognizing the importance of trust and verification, the platform likely employs methods to ensure the information presented is accurate and reliable, contributing to the platform's trustworthiness. The site's commitment to accessibility is another key component. The availability of a bi-lingual platform (English and Arabic) is critical in a country where both languages are prevalent. This multilingual support is more than simply a feature—it's a strategic decision to cater to a wider audience and effectively address the diverse business community within Iraq. By ensuring clarity and comprehension for various stakeholders, it promotes a more inclusive and effective experience for all users. Beyond simply listing businesses, offers a broader range of services. The inclusion of Iraq Business News provides valuable context and insights into the current economic climate, market trends, and regulatory developments impacting businesses in Iraq. This up-to-date information empowers users to make informed decisions, anticipate challenges, and capitalize on opportunities. The presence of a Business Center further strengthens the platform's comprehensive nature, potentially offering various resources, tools, and support to its members, fostering engagement and knowledge sharing within the community. The platform is clearly designed to attract and retain members. An individual or organization interested in establishing a prominent online presence in the Iraqi market can benefit significantly from registering and listing their company. This registration process not only allows businesses to showcase their capabilities and services but also grants them direct access to a vast potential market, enhancing their visibility and reach significantly. The invitation for businesses to leverage the platform is compelling. By actively participating and being discovered by the millions of users, businesses can actively increase their chances of finding their entry point into this market and establish valuable relationships. The platform appears to understand the vital role of information in business development, going beyond just providing a listing. Its stated goal of providing access to detailed company information—financial data, contact details, and organizational structures—positions the database as a valuable research tool for potential investors, suppliers, and customers. This wealth of data clearly indicates the platform’s commitment to ease of access for thorough due diligence. By providing this vital information, potentially sensitive financial data and hierarchical information, the platform underscores its commitment to facilitating informed decision-making in the Iraqi market.

  • Business Intelligencesays:

    18.01.2025. 17:36 at 17:36 is the go-to online resource for the Iraq Business Directory, providing a comprehensive platform for local and international businesses to connect, network, and explore opportunities in Iraq. As the leading online business directory in the country, offers a vast database of up-to-date business listings, featuring companies from various industries, including construction, oil and gas, finance, and more. In addition to its extensive directory, the website also provides the latest Iraq business news, keeping users informed about market trends, new developments, and regulatory changes. Job seekers can also find the latest Iraq jobs, including career opportunities in various sectors, while businesses can advertise their job openings to reach a wider audience. Furthermore, the website's tender directory offers a valuable resource for companies looking to explore procurement opportunities in Iraq, with a regularly updated list of tender notices and contract awards. By providing a single platform for businesses to access a wealth of information, news, and opportunities, facilitates market entry and networking in Iraq, making it an essential tool for any business looking to succeed in the country. Whether you're a local business looking to expand your reach or an international company seeking to enter the Iraqi market, is the ultimate online resource for you.

  • Iraq Engineering Firmssays:

    18.01.2025. 17:43 at 17:43

    Discover the power of seamless business connectivity with, the leading digital platform transforming how companies operate in Iraq. This innovative portal features a comprehensive Iraq business directory, enabling efficient networking among local and international enterprises. The platform delivers cutting-edge business news in Iraq, ensuring users remain informed about market developments and opportunities. Job seekers benefit from an extensive collection of Iraq jobs postings, while companies can explore numerous opportunities through the detailed tender directory. The platform's sophisticated online business listings system simplifies the process of finding potential partners, making an essential tool for anyone serious about succeeding in Iraq's dynamic business environment.

  • استراتيجيات الدخول للعراقsays:

    18.01.2025. 19:10 at 19:10’s commitment to facilitating market entry cannot be overstated. For international businesses looking to enter the Iraqi market, the platform serves as a comprehensive starting point. It offers invaluable resources, connections, and insights that demystify the complexities of operating in Iraq. With a user-friendly interface and a wealth of information readily available, bridges the gap between local knowledge and international business acumen, making the entry process more seamless and efficient.

  • Technology firms registersays:

    18.01.2025. 19:43 at 19:43 stands as Iraq's premier digital business hub, offering an extensive Iraq business directory that connects local enterprises with international partners and investors. This comprehensive platform serves as a one-stop destination for accessing real-time business news in Iraq, exploring lucrative tender opportunities, and discovering promising job openings across various sectors. Whether you're seeking reliable business listings, researching market trends, or looking to expand your professional network, delivers invaluable resources tailored to Iraq's dynamic business landscape. The platform's user-friendly interface makes it effortless for companies to showcase their services, while job seekers can browse through numerous Iraq jobs posted by leading employers. For procurement specialists, the tender directory provides timely updates on business opportunities, ensuring organizations never miss out on potential contracts. With its commitment to fostering business growth and facilitating market entry, has established itself as an indispensable tool for anyone interested in Iraq's thriving business ecosystem.

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